⚠️ Important Notice: Website Update in Progress ⚠️

We are currently undergoing major system updates due to unexpected technical issues. Unfortunately, some information has been lost, and the site is not fully updated at this time.

We are working hard to restore everything as quickly as possible. The full update is expected to be completed by 20/03/25.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. If you need urgent assistance, please contact us directly.

Thank you for your support!

Kings College Hospital

Direction to Kosher Cabinet & Shabbat Room

In the chapel on the first floor

Direction from Main Entrance:
Enter Main Entrance (Cheyne Wing) straight through the corridor to the lift/staircase and go up 1st floor. Make a immediate right and a right again into the chapel.

Door Access:
The room is open 6am - 10pm. If you need access at any other time, head over to the security and ask them to open the door for you so that you can get to the Gezint cupboard.

If you encounter problems accessing the Chapel via security after 10pm, please ring the King’s switchboard on 0203 299 9000 and ask for the Duty Chaplain

''This Service is Available 24hrs for patience, Staff and there family especially Shabbos''

Cabinet Access Code:
» CהבוטX

Chaplaincy Direct Line:
020 3299 3522

Gezint 24hr hotline:

Hospital Address:
Denmark Hill, London SE5 9RS

Map of Hospital Direction ''Follow the Red Line''

Facilities: Snacks for all including, baby's , Children & the Elderly. Breakfast & Shabbos Cabinet Food, Coffee Tea,, Reading Material Seforim, Personal Packs, Phone Power Bank, Dietary Strictly Kosher, YomTov Food especially Passover. Offering 365 Days a Year the Volunteer service!




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