⚠️ Important Notice: Website Update in Progress ⚠️

We are currently undergoing major system updates due to unexpected technical issues. Unfortunately, some information has been lost, and the site is not fully updated at this time.

We are working hard to restore everything as quickly as possible. The full update is expected to be completed by 20/03/25.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. If you need urgent assistance, please contact us directly.

Thank you for your support!


In the midst of the Pandemic, in March 2021, my wife gave birth to a healthy boy in UCLH. Just a few short hours later; the joy was replaced with grief, when the news reached us that my dear Father had succumbed to Covid. My wife was understandably very weak and in pain following the birth, and was finally transferred to the ward late in the evening, hungry, exhausted and alone. It was a great relief when to her surprise, a nurse walked in bearing a tray filled with delicious food and refreshments from the Gezint room. The Gezint room was a true lifeline for us when we were in such a great time of need and it brought us such chizuk knowing that we were not alone in that difficult period.
Yisroel P
Golders Green
I live in Westcliff-on-Sea and gave birth to a baby girl following an emergency C-section. Due to Covid regulations, the hospital did not allow any visitors, in addition to making a fuss about any outside food coming into the hospital. It was the Gezint Room that came to my rescue during my three-day hospital stay, with their amazing supply of microwavable goods, refreshments, food and drink.
When our Daughter, Sara was intubated and transferred to St Mary’s PICU on an early Friday Morning, the last thing on our mind was food. Shabbos was fast approaching, and the nearest Kosher food store was a forty-five-minute drive from the hospital. We were, thus, delighted to see that we can have a semi-normal Shabbos meal complete with challos, grape juice, fish, compote and even fake candles provided by the Shabbos cupboard! Thank you, Gezint, for providing us with our physical needs, in addition to bringing us a great sense of comfort in these turbulent times.
Family B.
Stamford Hill,
My wife was urgently called into hospital late Friday afternoon, to be assessed urgently due to her complicated pregnancy. We packed up our stuff in a hurry, and it was such a great reassurance that we didn’t have to worry about food since we knew we could always rely on the GEZINT Room, if we ran out of food etc. The Shabbos room was also incredibly helpful for just sitting and relaxing and taking away the worrisome thoughts we were having. Thank you is not enough. Stamford Hill, Chaim L.
Chaim L.
Stamford Hill
It was a not-such-a-great surprise when our micro-tiny baby was born at 25 weeks. We knew we were in for a long haul. It was seventeen drawn out weeks until our baby was finally transferred to our local hospital, and you can try to imagine the exhausting trips back and forth from the hospital, every single day. The GEZINT room was our oasis in the desert of life in the NICU. We always knew we had a place to ‘escape to’ for a little peace and quiet, a grab of a snack, a drink or just to relax with a magazine. Stamford Hill, Family T.
Family T
Stamford Hill
My husband was hospitalized over Passover at the Broomfield Hospital. We are traditional Jews and Passover is very dear to us. We are very strict about the customs, and we are very particular to only eat food prepared by ourselves over the holiday. We were astonished and pleasantly surprised when the Jewish Chaplain informed us of the Kosher GEZINT Room, where we were able to obtain Matzot, grape juice, and even Haggadot for the Seder night. It was so special and touching to see how people were looking out for us, ensuring that our Passover will be complete.
Ruth and Simon.


13 October, 2021

After many months of GEZINT liaising with the chaplains and hospital board, we have succeeded in obtaining permission for a Shabbos Cabinet, based in the Chaplaincy room. St Marys is a 45-minute drive from Jewish communities, and therefore was a desperate need for Jewish Patients and their families.

20 March 2019

UCLH, in conjunction with the GEZINT organization, marks the opening of beautiful Kosher respite room for Jewish patients and their families. The room is based in the maternity wing unit, and supplies a wide variety of Kosher food and drink, and other Jewish essential items are stocked there as well. There has already been great feedback on the use of the room, and we are sure the room will have a positive impact on the Jewish Families who come to UCLH.

12 December, 2018

There is now a Kosher room available for Jewish patients, visitors and staff at Broomfield Hospital, kindly opened by GEZINT, in conjunction with the hospital Chaplains. The room was arranged following the rising need for Jewish Patients, whose only Kosher food source was an hour’s drive away from the Hospital.

02 April, 2018

Stanmore Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital is pleased to announce the opening of the GEZINT Cabinet in our Chapel Portacabin. The Cabinet provides an array of Kosher food, refreshments and extra comforts for Jewish patients, their families and staff at Stanmore.

09 November, 2017

A great need arose in the South End Community for a Shabbos Room in the local hospital. With the help of the Chaplain at South End Hospital and Community Rabbi, GEZINT (aka Ozer Umagen) has successfully set up a beautiful Kosher room equipped with sufficient food, refreshments and amenities.

26 July, 2017

Visitors and patients at St Thomas Hospital, and the nearby Evelina Children’s Hospital can now benefit from the Shabbos Cabinet, provided by GEZINT (aka Ozer Umagen). The Shabbos Cabinet is located on the first floor in the St Thomas building, by the prayer rooms.